Reindeer training experience!
In this once in a lifetime experience, you will learn a lot about clicker training, and you will do it while training reindeer! We will look into fear free husbandry training, trick training, the possibilities of platforms and targets, the importance of reward placement and much more!
You will get to do training sessions with all our reindeer, different in age and education. The reindeer also differ in how comfortable they are around people, and therefore have different needs for training setups.
Instructor: Ulrika Andreasson
Where: Ullis & Rudolf, Are, Sweden
When: 27-28-29-30 march -2025
Cost, early bird! 6900 SEK
Cost, from 30 nov: 7700 SEK
Hangaround (partner): 2500 SEK
Spots: 6 spots only ( training reindeer)
Sign up:
We start at 14:00 (2 pm) on Thursday, and we end the adventure on Sunday at 14:00 (2 pm). We The class is in English.
Fika is included, you bring your own breakfast and lunch. On Friday we go to a restaurant and have pizza, and on Saturday we have a BBQ by the reindeer pen.
If you have a partner you want to bring, they are welcome to join in on lunch and evening activities. They also get the opportunity to join us on the forest reindeer walk. When we do reindeer training they can chill out or enjoy the nature around the village. Or why not go to Are, our popular ski resort!
Accommodation is to be found nearby.