Reindeer training tour
On this tour, you get to do clicker training with our lovely reindeer! This is a perfect tour for you that's interested in learning about clicker training, or are familiar with the method and have trained other animals before (dogs, horses, etc) and want to expand your experience and ability to adapt to different individuals.
This is a perfect way of really getting to know the reindeer as a species, but also to experience how different they are with their very own personalities.
The tour is 2 hours long.
Total cost for 1 person is 3000 SEK.
Total cost for 2 persons is 5000 SEK
(both training reindeer).
the cost for a hang around, not training reindeer but joining the tour: 1000 SEK.
Coffee and pastry are included.
Call +46 70 253 81 15 or send an e-mail to book a tour!
You are solely responsible for having valid insurance; you train reindeer at your own risk.